As cross-connect ODFs are optimized for cabling and not for equipment, they are able to solve the two biggest data center cable management problems:
- Those caused by application migration towards parallel fiber-optic applications
- Those caused by the expected growth of the data center
Both of these challenges have caused a requirement to deploy much more fiber in the data center and as a result have required massive patch cord changes in both number and size. ODFs are an ideal solution here as they are optimized for cable management, offering bend radius protection
for fiber patch cords and over-length storage
for efficient use of the ODF – even with thousands of patch cords in it.
Considering benefits further, cross-connect ODFs that have been designed correctly, function very effectively as the single point of distribution for all LAN, SAN and telecommunication services
in the data center. As a result they deliver best-in-class cable management and reduced operation costs, and offer a number of advantages, such as:
- Easy servicing – Pre-cabled ODFs allow fast moves, adds and changes
- Increased availability – Cabling can be added or changed without disrupting running systems
- Optimal flexibility – Equipment can be connected regardless of its location
- Enhanced security – Requires no direct patching at the switch/SAN director
We have experience with the CommScope product at Cogeco and the Corning product at CN Rail. Wirewerks has good solution that is unique as it works with a standard 19 in rack (pictured above).